The people of the Strath Taieri displaying a snapshot of what they do and how they live in this fine country area.
Arriving by train
View down the street
Driving sheep with dogs
Children's line dancing
Another performance
Happy parents watching
Clapping to the music!
Flossie's popular biscuits
Tea & Coffee is served
Local farmers
Strathdale Honey display
Charles and his sister
Cervena (NZ venison)
A very lovely pet lamb!
Enjoying being patted!
Also enjoyed by 'patters'
Gourmet Ice Cream, yum!
Popular honey display
Bruce shearing a sheep
Popular event!
Watching sheep shearing
Fashion Parade
Rock & Pillar Clothing
Farmer Juliet modelling
Annabel in local clothes
Katie in Adventure Outfit
Guess the weight? 39.9 kg
Sound system operators
Visitors in main street
Children's Games
Local Country Music
Refreshment tent
The Otago Lamb tent
The Speights' stand
Observing activities
Adults line dancing
Speights beer is served!
Time to leave... Good bye!
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